I get plenty of emails from people all over the world asking for advice and help to overcome their struggle with Leaky Gut Syndrome. And after talking with them and hearing so many stories it has become quite evident to me that in many cases, people are just not ready to heal.
Of course, on the outside they express their eagerness to overcome their health problems but that is only coming from the outer conscious mind. But what they don’t know is that it’s the inner subconscious mind that plays a far bigger role in whether or not you are ready to heal.
And science is now studying the subconscious mind more and more and finding that the subconscious mind is far more active, purposeful, and independent than what they first thought.
The Importance of the Subconscious Mind
Think of it like this. Your subconscious mind is the unconscious part of your mind that runs in the background without you even knowing it. It contains all of your personal and social programming and is responsible for greatly influencing your decision making.
Hidden Sources of Gluten
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Are you aware that there are a number of hidden sources of gluten in many of the foods you probably consider safe to eat?
The whole gluten-free movement is gaining a lot of ground lately and for good reason. People are beginning to see for themselves the positive effects that they experience just by removing gluten from their diet.
But are you truly gluten-free?
The sad truth is that gluten is still in many foods that you believe are gluten-free which is a big problem for many suffering from Leaky Gut Syndrome. And I’m only going to give you few here so keep in mind that there many more.
And if you have a sensitivity or allergy to gluten and you find yourself still reacting to certain grains or packaged foods then be sure consider the following hidden sources of gluten and remove them from your diet.
Hidden Sources of Gluten in All Grains
Probably one of the biggest hidden sources of gluten is grains. But I’m not just talking about wheat, barley, and rye which are the most commonly associated grains tied to gluten.
There’s actually some form of gluten found in all grains.
What Other Foods Are Causing Your Symptoms?
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Most people who suffer from Leaky Gut Syndrome are already figuring out that many of the common food allergies such as wheat, dairy, and soy play a big role in the severity of their chronic symptoms. And while removing these foods alone can oftentimes provide some significant relief there are typically many more food allergies that need to be addressed as well.
This is because as leaky gut develops, your intestinal lining loses its structure and holes or gaps develop that allow small particles of undigested food (as well as bacteria, pathogens, toxins, etc) to pass from your digestive tract and directly into your bloodstream.
And while in the bloodstream, your immune system does its part to fight off these invading food particles while building up antibodies for future encounters.
It’s these antibodies that your immune system stock piles that can make you allergic to a food that you eat. And in the case of leaky gut, since any food particle can pass through your intestinal walls, you can become allergic to any food that you eat.
The point I’m trying to make here is that you can and oftentimes do become allergic to the very foods that you eat most often. In fact, I find the biggest problems are oftentimes with my clients who like to eat the same foods every single day.
Your immune system has no bias so it doesn’t matter if the food is healthy or not. So you can become allergic to chicken just as easily as carrots.
And this can create a big problem because how are you supposed to heal your gut when you could be reacting to so many foods that you eat. And no, the solution is not to starve yourself.
The solution is to determine your food allergies so you can eliminate those foods from your diet.
There are a few ways to do it and I’ve done them all myself.
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3 Common Mistakes Holding Your Gut Back From Healing
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I get plenty of emails and even work with some clients who seem to be doing everything right but they still struggle to get the results they want. And when this happens, you always have to dig a little deeper to figure out what is going on in their life that is blocking them from healing their Leaky Gut.
Below, I’ve outlined 3 of the most common mistakes that most people do not take into account which will have a direct effect on your gut’s ability to heal itself.
So if you’re struggling then take some time to consider these and whether or not they could be a problem for you.
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3 Gut Healing Exercises You Can Do At Home
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We’ve already discussed how the right kind of exercise can really help to improve your health and speed up the Leaky Gut healing process. So I want to share with you just a few of the great exercises that I use to help stimulate the nervous system and help the body to start healing faster.
And you can do these simple exercises in the comfort of your own home.
Keep in mind that these exercises are not meant to be performed rigorously or to the point of exhaustion. Instead they are meant to be performed in a controlled manner with more of a focus on your breathe.
The goal is to positively stimulate your nervous system which will also give you the added benefit of increased energy levels and a better sense of wellbeing.
Also note that exercises like these are also known to release endorphins which will positively impact your mood and improve symptoms of depression.
Please use extreme caution when performing any sort of exercise including the following. If you suffer from any type of back pain, neck pain, or sciatica then there are some good all natural programs to help you overcome the pain before performing these exercises.
Otherwise, here are the exercises…
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Good Exercise vs. Bad Exercise for Healing
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Exercise has far too many other health benefits that it absolutely needs to be included in your daily activities.
In fact, the right kind of exercise can help…
- Balance your blood sugar
- Increase your energy
- Stimulate your immune system
- Balance your hormones
- Improve constipation
- Decrease stress
- Improve detoxification
- Decrease inflammation
- Improve sleep
- Increase bone density
- Reduce your risk of injury
- and the list goes on and on…
But there is a catch because I did say the “right” kind of exercise.
Most people don’t know this but not all exercise is created equal so there are some big differences between good exercise and what I call bad exercise. And keep in mind that I use the term “bad exercise” loosely because it’s not bad for everyone. It really depends on the overall goal of what you are trying to achieve. However, bad exercise can and will slow down, stop, and even worsen Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Bad Exercise for Healing – Cardio Exercise
I’m not entirely sure why, but most people seem to be obsessed with running, treadmills, elliptical trainers, aerobics and many other forms of continuous repetitive cardio exercise.
How Exercise Affects Your Gut Health
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If you’re suffering from any sort of health issue, Leaky Gut Syndrome or other, then you have no excuse not to exercise. But we’ve become such a sedentary society that the only time that most of us are not sitting is when you’re walking to and from your car.
Yes, we sit in front of the TV. We sit in front of the computer. We sit at the table…
And most people who go to the gym sit down on the gym equipment!
All that sitting has a negative effect on your digestion.
How Exercise Effects Your Gut Health
Few people stop to consider that exercise has a much bigger impact on your gut health then you might realize.
Below I’m going to cover just a few of the effects that exercise can have on your digestive health.
Exercise Improves Constipation
Weight bearing exercise has been shown to be a necessity for you to properly eliminate your bowels. When you perform weight bearing exercise on your feet, your abdominals are forced to stabilize your spine which creates pressure within your abdominal cavity.
And it’s this abdominal pressure that is responsible for simulating many of your internal organs to help you move the food you eat through your digestive tract. So without the right kind of exercise, you can easily become constipated!
In recent years, detoxing your body has become quite the trend. Now there are countless numbers of detox kits or cleanses on the market all touting the many health benefits of removing toxins from the body. Even celebrities are talking about how they detox and all of the amazing benefits they’ve experienced.
But is detoxing your body right for everyone?
The answer is absolutely not.
In fact, trying to force your body to detoxify can have many negative effects on your health.
And when you suffer from Leaky Gut Syndrome, detoxing your body can easily make your symptoms worse by taxing your already congested liver even more.
Your Liver’s Role In Detoxing Your Body
As you probably already know, your liver plays many extremely important roles in your body. One role it serves is as a filter which is responsible for metabolizing or breaking down toxins so that they can be properly disposed of by excreting them from your body. But remember, these toxins have to be first processed by your liver before they can be disposed of.
Because we live in a society that is literally full of toxins everywhere you look, it is becoming more and more difficult for your liver to keep up with the growing number of toxins you encounter on a daily basis.
Toxic chemicals are in your…
Why Leaky Gut Makes You Toxic
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This is an important concept that most people with Leaky Gut Syndrome never stop to consider.
Your liver is an important part of your digestive system that works to process the toxins in your body so that they can be properly removed. But when you have leaky gut, your entire digestive tract becomes burdened and your liver can easily become backed up. And when this happens, you are unable to eliminate toxins and they build up inside you which can contribute to many of your leaky gut symptoms.
Maybe you think that you live a pretty clean lifestyle so your exposure to toxins is minimal.
Think again!
The truth is that toxins are everywhere and there is no escaping them no matter how hard you try. All you can really do is minimize your exposure and keep your detoxification pathways clear so that your body is able to process and eliminate as many toxins as possible.
2 Common Sources of Toxins
As of 2006, there were over 82,000 synthetic and potentially toxic chemicals documented within the US alone of which 75% (60,150) have never been tested for toxicity. And these chemicals are being used in consumer products every single day. The truth is that there are far more toxic chemicals being introduced every single year than the EPA is able to test so these numbers are only growing.
Of course, I couldn’t even begin to touch the tip of the iceberg of toxins but I would like to share with you two of the more common sources that you are exposed to on a daily basis.
Maybe you think you’re eating healthy. Maybe you’re buying the best organic food that you find that hasn’t been treated with toxic pesticides, herbicides, hormones, or other chemicals.
But have you ever stopped to consider that part of the problem with toxins in the food supply is coming directly from you and your kitchen?
It’s true…
All too often we focus entirely on farming practices but there’s a whole other part of the story that has more to do with the many ways that you introduce even more toxins into your food before it ever gets to the table.
So I’ve outlined 5 of the most common mistakes that you are making in your kitchen that is affecting the quality of your food while making your food and you toxic. And any of these can add significant stress and inflammation within your body to prevent you from healing and overcoming Leaky Gut Syndrome.
1. Microwaving Food
If you use a microwave and have never heard of the ill effects of microwaving your food then this is a very important topic for you.
First of all, microwaves were never developed to be used to heat food. But someone decided there was a good opportunity to make some money without before we had the ability to properly research the negative effects first.
And more and more research is being done these days on microwaves and other high frequency radiation coming from cell phones and other electronics and the research results are not pretty.
Here’s a very short list of just a few of the ill effects that microwave radiation has on your food:
- Destroys and reduced the nutrients in your food necessary to sustain life.
- Alters the chemical structure of food to produce toxins
- Produces carcinogenic compounds that have been shown to lead to cancer
Here are some additional resources if you’re interested in digging further into this subject: