I Need Your Opinion
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I get a quite a few emails from people who have used my program as well as others who have just picked up a few tips from me here or there. And it’s motivating to hear that my work is touching the lives of so many people who I’ve never met personally.
But I also get some emails from skeptics and those who have been misinformed about their health that can’t quite seem to let go of their false thought processes and they refuse to accept that they do have the choice to heal themselves and regain their health.
That’s why I wanted to get your opinion on an email that I recently received because I was a little taken aback by the nature of it, especially after the conversation that I had prior with this gentleman…
I got an email from a man named Johnny a couple of days ago who sounded genuinely concerned about overcoming his gut problems and multiple chronic symptoms. And after taking the time to give him my personal advice, I wasn’t prepared for the email he sent me last night.
Here’s the email he sent me…
And while I truly love helping, I want to know if you feel the same way as Johnny or not.
To be completely honest, I don’t let personal attack’s like Johnny’s bother me one bit. I’ve been doing this too long and have helped too many people that I know there’s no truth to what he says.
And to answer your question Johnny, I’m not a clinical researcher. I prefer to focus on helping people turn their health around and get back to enjoying everything that life has to offer using known health principles that continue to provide the best results.
What I want to know from my readers, those who have applied my techniques, and those who have used my Leaky Gut Cure program…
– Do you agree with Johnny and his opinion about me?
– Do you think what I share or teach is nothing but “snake oil” like he says?
(by the way, per our previous email Johnny has not tried anything that I teach and has been seeing doctor after doctor who have done nothing but put him on different drugs which have only made his problems worse.)
I really want your opinion on this…
I value your opinion and it’s your feedback that helps me determine what information, tips, and techniques that I share with you.
Please tell me what you think below… All comments are welcome.
And while I truly love helping, I want to know if you feel the same way as Johnny or not.
To be completely honest, I don’t let personal attack’s like Johnny’s bother me one bit. I’ve been doing this too long and have helped too many people that I know there’s no truth to what he says.
And to answer your question Johnny, I’m not a clinical researcher. I prefer to focus on helping people turn their health around and get back to enjoying everything that life has to offer using known health principles that continue to provide the best results.
What I want to know from my readers, those who have applied my techniques, and those who have used my Leaky Gut Cure program…
– Do you agree with Johnny and his opinion about me?
– Do you think what I share or teach is nothing but “snake oil” like he says?
(by the way, per our previous email Johnny has not tried anything that I teach and has
And while I truly love helping, I want to know if you feel the same way as Johnny or not.
To be completely honest, I don’t let personal attack’s like Johnny’s bother me one bit. I’ve been doing this too long and have helped too many people that I know there’s no truth to what he says.
And to answer your question Johnny, I’m not a clinical researcher. I prefer to focus on helping people turn their health around and get back to enjoying everything that life has to offer using known health principles that continue to provide the best results.
What I want to know from my readers, those who have applied my techniques, and those who have used my Leaky Gut Cure program…
– Do you agree with Johnny and his opinion about me?
– Do you think what I share or teach is nothing but “snake oil” like he says?
(by the way, per our previous email Johnny has not tried anything that I teach and has been seeing doctor after doctor who have done nothing but put him on different drugs which have only made his problems worse.)
I really want your opinion on this…
I value your opinion and it’s your feedback that helps me determine what information, tips, and techniques that I share with you.
Please tell me what you think below… All comments are welcome.
been seeing doctor after doctor who have done nothing but put him on different drugs which have only made his problems worse.)
I really want your opinion on this…
I value your opinion and it’s your feedback that helps me determine what information, tips, and techniques that I share with you.
Please tell me what you think below… All comments are welcome.
15 responses to “I Need Your Opinion” 
Hi Karen
It took me several years to even begin to understand what was wrong with me. How my thyroid problem interacted with my adrenal, mucking up my cortisol levels, and how all this related to my leaky gut. How symptoms like severe migraine, shortness of breath, extreme fatigue with body ache, insomnia all originating in my gut.
I think the alternative healing process can be overwhelming, and I had to take in the information step by step. I can imagine that someone like Johnny feels overwhelmed and fearful, this approach requires one to take complete responsibility for ones health. It’s scary and demanding process and there are so much conflicting advise out there. Also, we are all wired differently so what might work for me might not necessarily work for the next person.
While not by any means completely healed, your programme has giving me both a clear direction and hope, and I’ll continue to follow it- in fact, will shortly buy your complete programme as I found your writing easy to understand and it makes complete sense. Thank you Karen.
Hi Karen,
I have only recently discovered your website and have not bought your book. So I can only offer a ‘first impressions’ comment. Normally I don’t bother.
First there are many, many people selling books and products through blogs.
Second, when I read comments the first thing I noticed was the lines blocking out product info – that speaks commercialism immediately.
Third, the price of your book, at $38, is quite high.
So your site has a mixed message: ‘ I want to help/ I want to make money selling books. A mixed message often makes people suspicious.
Now, having said all that, I still intend to keep exploring your site, emails and blog. -
Helenah October 5th, 2015 at 09:53
I agree with Carol. I also get a mixed message so, I’m not sure who you really are. But, need help so will continue reading and deciding.
Chuck Hoffman October 5th, 2015 at 12:15
I used to think just like that person, that conventional medicine is factual, science-based, and proven; anything else is fraud. My experiences led me to believe that medical doctors are often not able to help people with health problems; they usually only treat symptoms. After many years of frustrating experiences with doctors, I started researching alternatives, listening to hundreds of experts from conventional and natural medicine, people who do study the current research, and are motivated fix the cause of health problems, rather that treating symptoms.
It has become very clear to me that conventional medicine has become something similar to an old, dogmatic religious tradition, where everything is based on traditions and beliefs. A system in which a person is not allowed to disagree or question authority. Any dissension is considered heresy, and dissenters will be destroyed. I now see that it’s actually based on beliefs that are not necessarily based on facts, often based on bad science, manipulated scientific studies, and deception in support of financial greed and control. And treating symptoms rather than the cause. I believe that most doctors have good intentions, but they are unknowingly caught up in a bad system.
Most of my friends and relatives are caught up in believing in the same dysfunctional medical system. They think just like Johnny. Most are pretty quiet about vocalizing their opinions, but the ones who speak openly do talk exactly like him. I get no support from those people, and can’t even talk about the subject. They refuse to listen to what I have to say, and just try to cram their beliefs down my throat.
My current natural health care provider (whose practices are very similar to yours) has successfully helped me resolve my health issues.
The proof is in the results, not in the rhetoric.
Carolyn J Jones October 9th, 2015 at 12:06
I have just started the program. I have bought some of the products. So far, I have been happy with it; but, I have not had enough time for evaluation of the whole program. I definitely think positive of my results so far. I truly believe you are trying to help people.
David Lawrence October 20th, 2015 at 18:00
A lot of us probably think I hope his gut leaks completely empty! The world is full of jerks like him!
Walter October 23rd, 2015 at 09:45
I always believed medical information should be free to everyone. It is easy enough to put online for people to read and try to resolve their problems in a do it yourself approach, without charging them money. Alternative doctors providing this information can make money through their private practice, and by selling supplements, speaking engagements, cookbooks for specific diets, and books for people who do not have access to the free information on the internet. But the actual information on what leaky gut is and what you should do to cure it should be free information to everyone. If people who practice alternative medicine really care for their fellow human being, provide this information through free e-books. Remember, these people are desperate and have spent money for years trying to feel better. You can just go to the internet and find dozens of individuals trying to make money from all the desperate people. From hundreds to thousands of dollars. I believe 100 percent that the gut causes numerous problems, but like other conditions the research and different approaches to a cure should be free to all. A doctor or alternative medicine doctor can sell numerous things that support a person in his quest for a cure. I also believe in open blogs, where people can talk to each other and the doctor can pop in with a comment now and then. The power of information and sharing that information, and being able to network with other people who have had similar problems, is the best way to help people cure themselves.
Kathleen December 20th, 2015 at 13:55
I like to follow a lot of personal success stories like yours who offer real information on healing. I quit conventional doctors about 15 years ago when they had no answers for my mother when she was dying of cancer. I realized then that they cannot help you, and that it is better to take your health into your own hands and find how to get and stay healthy. There is no one size fits all, and the same symptoms can mean different things to different people. I believe that the most important things to do is to eliminate toxins from your life and to feed your body good food which is your medicine. I will follow what alternative doctors say and follow their ideas on herbs and foods to take because I will not take any pharmaceutical pill offered by a mainstream doctor. So forget Johnny, the so called conventional science is wrong more than it is right and the old tried methods have more real science behind them anyway..
Elizabeth January 26th, 2016 at 09:01
I embraced your suggestions about two months ago in that time I have suffered severe detox as I was informed may happen. My skin still continues to irrupt with some type of itchy excema, I just continue to stay off all the foods that my body has reacted too. The first 3 weeks were the most intense detox, today I feel so much better, and to be free of bloating and gas is wonderful, I have lost 9kgs and everyone says I look great. I know the inflammation has reduced greatly in my body. In the period of changing my food choices I have only had two times where I have slipped away from the regime, once was on a long haul flight, and the other was an ice-cream. The longer I stay on it, the stronger I feel.
Scientific research is a valid comment for someone who needs facts and figures to comprehend something. I on the other hand are content to just experience and stay in tune with my body and see and feel its response to avoiding certain foods.
I agree with the comments that the truth should be free, the catch to that is, society thinks FREE MEANS cheap and nasty, not always but often. Also if someone pays for something they have committed and much more likely to read every word. I struggled to find the money as I paid in another currency which was a lot more than 38.00, the truth is for years I have bought coffee and chocolate and thought nothing of it. It was about valuing myself and saying Im worth it, which I am. This change in eating, has affected me on many levels, not only do I want a clean body, mind I have decluttered and given away things, it has left me wanting organisation, and simplicity. I envisage staying on this new way of eating permanently.
I thank you for the long hours and research, my scientific research has taken 2mths thus far and I am living proof that my body is functionally better and letting go of the weight. The biggest thing I notice is clarity in my head, no more brain fog. I am so very grateful for my friend Kate that suggested I suffered from “leaky gut”. She encouraged me to research it, and thats how I found you. Blessings and thank you.
Sincerely Elizabeth
Valerie February 7th, 2016 at 08:47
I agree with Chuck H. Many of us are looking for additional answers because we keep going to doctor after Doctor, taking medicine after medicine, to no avail. Every time I have had bloodwork done and various tests, they are always negative. What is up with that? I believe the current protocols for measuring illness have changed drastically from all the poisons OUR GOVERNMENT has allowed to be rammed down our throats (literally) for the sake of the almighty $$ and that’s why the tests are not revealing proper information for today’s standards. As far as mixed messaging, this is true; however, many of the health gurus I follow, such as Josh Axe, Andrea Beaman, Dr Peter Osborne, and a few others, do the same thing of promoting their products. Occasionally I opt in, but most times I use their very valuable information they share in their messages. We can’t buy everything and not everything each of the practitioners provides as guidance applies, as we are all unique individuals with unique circumstances and unique resolve in our healing. There is no one-stop-shop. So I say keep doing what you are doing, and I personally thank all of the health coaches who have stepped out of the box and are trying to give sage advice to healing! Bottom line is we have to take care of ourselves because no one else will and we need the right to gleen as much information as we can from every avenue.
I agree with Kathleen. I have been using alternative therapies for over 25 yrs and will never take medicine, not even aspirin. As I’m also in the business of working in a vitamin store, I hear Johnny’s type comments all the time. I only feel sorry that they would rather complain instead of being hopeful that there is some other solution. I half to say that I already knew about leaky gut from Brenda Watson and wanted to research other information. I am combining all recommendations and yours have been helpful. I say forget about the Johnny’s and do what you love to do-help people.
I think we are all in charge of our own health, and Johnny is perfectly entitled to think what he wants. However, it’s working for me.
When I look back over my life, I realise I have been sick since 1990, which is a lot of wasted years, wondering why I was running/cycling/going to the gym and still couldn’t lose weight. GPs, Professors and other professionals weren’t able to help, just kept telling me to take the meds. It’s only in the last couple of months that I have been following the leaky gut way of life, and believe I am on the turn. I’m slowly starting to lose weight – not as quickly as I had hoped, but it’s a start – and I’ve committed to a mini marathon in June. Keep up the good work. -
Rachel July 8th, 2016 at 09:57
I disagree that the program should be free.. The cost of your program is the equivalent to one co-pay at my primary care physicians office, and I’ve spent thousands upon thousands trying to figure out what’s wrong with my gut, only to be tested repeatedly for things and told that I’m “perfectly healthy” by specialists. In a perfect world, everything would be free, but it’s not, and that’s okay! If you were working as a doctor in a clinic, you’d be making much more than $40-70 per patient. I think $40 to potentially unlock the secret to your health is a fabulous price, and I don’t know any doctors who, if I called them and asked for their advice on my lifestyle health choices and what will help me feel better, would sit down and tell me all about their research, experience and what they’ve seen work for their patients. They would say, “come on in and we’ll discuss it..”.. A few hundred dollars in their pocket later from my insurance company and co-pay, they would require me to come back for a follow up visit and make more money.
I’ve only just bought the program, and so far the only major change I’ve made is cutting out processed sugar and drinking bone broth, and I already had one of the first days in a while where I didn’t feel nauseas after eating.
Even if I don’t follow the program to a T (which I plan to), the tips and advice in your program are worth the money.
Hi Karen,
I would not give to much on people who don’t know what they are talking about. There are even Doctors out there who support supplements and make money with their advertisement. There is enough information out there to compare.
I liked what one ND said about the Leaky Gut syndrome “use common sense by making decisions regarding the cure”. Of course common sense is not everyone/s possession today. A friend of mine send me information from you
which I will read and compare. Since I have a ND Doctor I am not sure whether I will need all information you provide
but what I read so far is very reasonable.
Thank you for the information so far, it was an eyeopener and helps my husband to understand more about his
ailments and the cause. -
Claudia September 2nd, 2016 at 12:08
No, I don’t agree with Johnny. If we waited for scientific evidence we’d be dead probably. I believe in supplements, they have worked for me. And anything you can do for IBS is appreicated cuz my doctor is doing nothing. It’s people like you that r helping me.
Kristina August 17th, 2015 at 23:02